Current investigations in reproductive medicine – literature review
Ana Veronica Uzunov, Daniela-Cătălina Meca, Diana Cristina Secară, Octavian Munteanu, Andreea Elena Constantin, Diana Vasilescu, Claudia Mehedinţu, Valentin Nicolae Varlas, Monica-Mihaela Cîrstoiu
Infertility represents an important public health problem, especially since its prevalence has increased over the last years. The ...
Mortalitatea maternă şi fetală în rândul pacientelor adolescente
Ana Veronica Uzunov, Daniela-Cătălina Meca, Monica-Mihaela Cîrstoiu
Adolescence is defined by World Health Organization (WHO) as the period of transition from childhood to adult lifetime in the population aged between 10 and 19 years old(1,2). The incidence of births among adolescents is...