September – December 2020 Calendar

30 Septembrie 2020

French Society of Gynecologic and Pelvic Surgery 2020 (SCGP 2020)

16-18 September 2020,
Clermont-Ferrand, France

BIRTH: Clinical Challenges in Labor
and Delivery – 6th Edition

30 September – 3 October 2020, Valencia, Spain

Al 8-lea Congres al Societăţii Române
de Ultrasonografie în Obstetrică şi Ginecologie/The 8th Congress of The Romanian Society
of Ultrasonography in Obstetrics
and Gynecology

1-3 October 2020, online


The 14th Conference of the International Federation for Professionals in Abortion
and Contraception 2020 (FIAPAC 2020)

2-3 October 2020, Berlin, Germany

French Society of Perinatal Medicine
50th National Meeting 2020 (SFMP 2020)

7-9 October 2020, Le Havre, France

German Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology 63rd Congress 2020 (DGGG 2020)

7-10 October 2020, Munich, Germany

European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy 29th Annual Congress 2020
(ESGE 2020)

11-14 October 2020, Lisbon, Portugal

Virtual World Congress on Ultrasound
in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2020
(ISUOG 2020)

16-18 October 2020, online

The 2nd World Congress on Women’s Health: Innovations and Inventions (WHII 2020)

3-4 November 2020, Tel Aviv, Israel

The 28th World Congress on Controversies
in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility 2020 (COGI 2020)

19-21 November 2020, Berlin, Germany

Zilele Medicale „Vasile Dobrovici”. Congresul Naţional de Uroginecologie/“Vasile Dobrovici” Medical Days. The National Congress
of Urogynecology

26-28 November 2020, online

European Society of Gynaecological Oncology: A Decade of Advances in Gynaecological Cancer Care 2020 (ESGO 2020)

14-16 December 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark

The 14th Winter Gynaecology Symposium Munich 2020

19 December 2020, Munich, Germany  

Articole din ediția curentă


Restaurarea directă în masă („bulk fill”) cu răşini compozite în sarcină – prezentare de caz

Irina-Maria Gheorghiu, Loredana Mitran, Mihai Mitran, Alexandru Iliescu, Sânziana Scărlătescu
In pregnant women, all dental treatments, which are absolutely required, are strictly related to the fact that the female patient is in a special physiological condition, which reflects on the physica...

Complicaţiile perinatale şi neonatale la pacientele cu răspuns ovarian scăzut în sarcinile obţinute prin proceduri de reproducere umană asistată

Cătălin Ioan Bosoancă, Simona Vlădăreanu, Alina-Gabriela Marin, Radu Vlădăreanu
In vitro fertilization (IVF) technologies with a controlled ovarian hyperstimulation approach have classified patients into three ...

Este inhibina un marker serologic util pentru femeile la postmenopauză cu cancer ovarian epitelial?

Ruxandra Gabriela Cigaran, Radu Botezatu, Anca Maria Panaitescu, Gheorghe Peltecu, Nicolae Gică
Ovarian cancer is the second most common gynecologic cancer in developed countries and the third most common gynecologic malignancy in developing countries....
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