With the arrival of autumn, a lot of con­­fe­­ren­ces and congresses are launched with topics of interest for oncologists. I will stop at a few that are more affordable and of greater interest to oncologists in Romania.

The ESMO Congress will take place be­tween the 15th and the 23rd of Sep­tem­­ber. Of course, it will be much more dif­fi­cult to follow, as it lacks the pos­sibi­li­ty for direct participation which allows par­ti­ci­pants to feel the atmosphere or the im­pact of new research results in various lo­ca­tions of cancer.

The ESMO 2020 virtual conference will present promising new developments aimed at improving the care of cancer pa­tients. In response to current needs, the scien­­ti­­fic program will include a dedicated COVID-19 section and a pathway for cancer research section.

We welcome the decision of the ESMO ma­nage­ment to facilitate free par­ti­ci­pa­tion. The program is very complex, as ESMO used to do.

Another scientific event that we are now talking about in the past is “Inter­dis­­ci­­pli­nary Perspectives in Oncology”, the title under which took place The Me­di­­cal and Scien­ti­fic Days of the “Prof. Dr. Alexandru Tres­tio­rea­nu” Institute of On­co­logy Bucharest (IOB). Although the title of the scientific conference organized by the Bucharest In­sti­tute of Oncology leads us to believe that the interdisciplinary ap­proach of patients represents the future, we can assure rea­ders that this type of approach has been applied since the time of the late Pro­fes­sor Trestioreanu, who gives the name of this institute.

One last scientific event I want to refer to is The National Congress of On­co­logy. In the end, I believe that this scien­tific manifesto will be of a very good qua­li­ty, considering the participation of some teachers from Romania, and it is also possible to obtain the quality of a conference under the aus­pi­ces of ESMO. There are micro-courses that are interesting for young doctors and also instructive reviews. The original works are fewer, but considering the conditions of the research activity, this is justified.

The only regret is that the National Society of Medical Oncology (SNOMR) has “dissolved” in the competition with other com­pa­nies and the contribution of young people brought to the Steering Committee was not so beneficial, because there weren’t many innovative ideas, these doctors ha­ving a short experience in organizing con­gres­ses and in running a society, but I hope this will be an experience we will all learn from.  I believe that if we do not say things “by name” we will never progress.

In the end, I think that all medical on­co­­lo­­gists in Romania must thank the or­ga­­ni­­zers of this congress which required sus­­tained efforts.