Societatea de Istoria Farmaciei din Turcia a organizat anul acesta la Istanbul cel de-al 42-lea Congres Internaţional de Istoria Farmaciei, în zilele de 8-11 septembrie.
Congresul Internaţional de Istoria Farmaciei este organizat de către societatea internaţională de profil, la fiecare doi ani, în colaborare cu societatea din ţara-gazdă.
Societatea Română de Istoria Farmaciei (SRIF), conform statutului său, a fost reprezentată în şedinţa Comitetului Extins SIHP (marţi 8.09.2015, orele 15.30-17.30), de către preşedintele conf. dr. farm. Adriana-Elena Tăerel şi secretarul general prof. dr. farm. Ana Carată.
Congresul din acest an a reunit sute de participanţi, dintre care 163 de farmacoistorici (autori şi coautori) din peste 25 de ţări europene, asiatice şi SUA, care au prezentat 131 de lucrări (5 conferinţe plenare, 79 de comunicări orale şi 47 de postere).
În mesajul de bun venit inclus în materialele congresului, preşedintele, prof. dr. Afife Mat, a spus:
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
On behalf of the Turkish Society for the History of Pharmacy, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 42nd International Congress for the History of Pharmacy to be held in Istanbul in September 8-11, 2015.
Turkey possesses a rich medico-pharmaceutical heritage and a unique blend of Eastern and Western medical traditions due to its special location astride Asia and Europe. It is one of the oldest continuously inhabited regions in the world in which a number of major civilizations reigned; including the Hittites, the Phrygians, the Byzantines, the Anatolian Seljuks, and the Ottomans.
Being a receptor of such a rich cultural inheritance, Turkey, previously referred to as Asia Minor, witnessed the emergence of a stimulating environment, especially for the fields of medicine and pharmacy; the works of Dioscorides of Anazarbus (1st century AD), Aretaeus of Cappadocia (2nd century AD), and Galen of Pergamon (2nd century AD) exemplify this.
For this congress to be held in the heart of this rich cultural heritage, we offer the following main theme: „Exchange of Pharmaceutical Knowledge between East and West.“
We hope that this 42nd International Congress will not only give you the opportunity to enrich you scientifically, but also to discover the wonders of Istanbul, a beautiful city of the Ottoman Sultans.
Afife Mat, President of the Turkish Society for the History of Pharmacy
Activităţile specifice au demarat cu şedinţa Biroului executiv şi Adunarea Comitetului Lărgit (Extended Committee Meeting), marţi 08.09.2015, între 15.30-17.30.
În şedinţa Comitetului Extins, în prezenţa reprezentanţilor celor peste 20 de societăţi naţionale afiliate Societăţii Internaţionale, agenda a cuprins 11 puncte (rapoarte şi votarea noului Comitet Executiv):
Welcome address by the president; quorum
Approval of the agenda
Reports: President, Treasurer, FIP, Auditors
Approval of the reports
Approval of the treasurers bookkeeping
Approval of the treasurers financial planning 2015/16
Elections: President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary General, Assessors
Research Fellowship
Working groups, Status quo and future
Congresses 2017, 2019 and beyond
Any other business.
Prima zi s-a încheiat cu o masă festivă (cocteil de bun venit), întrun minunat loc, pe malurile Bosforului.
Pentru Academia Internaţională de Istoria Farmaciei (AIHP) sunt rezervate câteva ore în programul congresului pentru activitatea sa: primire de noi membri, acordarea de distincţii, o conferinţă semnificativă, susţinută de o personalitate din conducere. La Istanbul, şedinţa solemnă a Academiei (Académie Internationale d’Histoire de la Pharmacie) a fost programată miercuri, 9 septembrie 2015, orele 19.30-21.15, la Facultatea de Farmacie, Amfiteatrul A.
România a fost reprezentată în Academia Internaţională de Istoria Farmaciei de personalităţi de renume, istoriografi ai medicinei şi farmaciei române care nu mai sunt astăzi printre noi. Menţionăm profesorii: Valeriu-Lucian Bologa (1892-1971), Gabriel Racz (1928-2013), Samuel Izsák (1915-2007). La această şedinţă solemnă din 9 septembrie, dintre cei trei membri în viaţă (dr. Graziella Baicu, prof. dr. Honorius Popescu, Ana Carată), a fost prezent numai ultimul.
Societatea Română de Istoria Farmaciei a participat prin membrii săi (9 autori/ coautori) cu 4 lucrări:
Carată A., Rizescu C., Stănescu M-L. Témoignages sur les relations internationales pharmaceutiques des Roumans au fil du temps („Mărturii asupra relaţiilor internaţionale farmaceutice ale românilor de-a lungul timpului“), SL-58, pp. 65-66.
, („Johann Martin Hönigberger, un Farmacist fără frontiere“),Johann Martin Hönigberger, an Apothekary without BordersDana Baran, -
P (Poster)-14, pp. 93-94.
Adriana-Elena Tăerel, Emilia Stancu, Cristina Rais, Valentina Soroceanu, Phanariot princes involvement in medical and pharmaceutical activities, (Implicarea prinţilor fanarioţi în activităţi medicale şi farmaceutice), Résumé, P-30, pp. 106-107.
Adriana-Elena Tăerel, Adina Turcu-Ştiolică, Adherence – the old key of pacients living fuller lives, P37 (Aderenţa – vechea cheie a pacienţilor care trăiesc viaţa din plin, P-37), Résumé, pp. 112-113.
Redăm mai jos rezumatele unora dintre lucrările prezentate la congres.
Témoignages sur les relations internationales pharmaceutiques des roumains au fil du temps)
Carată A., Rizescu C., Stănescu M-L.
Société Roumaine d’Histoire de la Pharmacie
„Si la Terre était un seul État, Istanbul serait sa Capitale“ (Dacă Pământul ar fi un singur stat, Istanbul ar fi Capitala sa)
Napoleon I, Împărat al Franţei 1804-1814, 1815.
Roumanie, un pays géographiquement situé en Europe du Sud-Est, au Nord de la Péninsule Balkanique, dans le bassin du Bas-Danube, à la Mer Noire, a une surface de 237 500 km2 et une population de plus de 22 millions, dont environ 2.000.000 en diaspora.
Depuis l’antiquité, sa position géographique a été déterminante en ce qui concerne la migration des peuples euro-asiatiques de l’Est, qui ont traversé notre pays, en cherchant des nouvelles colonies, plus riches. Le relief varié, sol et sous-sol riches, ont incité nos voisins, trois grands empires, qui ont dominés quelques zones des Principautés Roumaines, la Transylvanie et le Banat, la Valachie et la Moldavie, Dobrogea (Dobroudja, Petit Larousse 1993, p. 1285).
Les matériaux documentaires étudiés par nour pour cet ouvrage sont: les Pharmacopée Roumain du XIXème siècle, livres du XIXème et du XXème siècles, des reportages, des expositions internationales, Dictionnaires, ayant des auteurs d’étrangère ou roumains.
Méthode: l’analyse chronologique des événements et des données, en soulignant l’impact dans notre culture nationale.
Dans cet article, nous mentionnons les plus importantes donnés et les influences historiques sur la langue et à la culture nationale, y compris également, les domaines de la pharmacie et du médicament.
Mots-clés: Témoignages, influences culturelles
Phanariot princes involvement in medical and pharmaceutical activities
Adriana-Elena Tăerel, Emilia Stancu, Cristina Rais, Valentina Soroceanu
UMPh „Carol Davila“ – Faculty of Pharmacy
In the early eighteenth century, relations between the Ottoman Empire and the countries what would form the present Romania – Moldavia and the Romanian Country – entered a stage in which state power was lost to Romanian rulers, being entrusted to the phanariots. They were Greek scholars, from the Phanar district of Istanbul who, by being appointed as rulers of by the sultan, became Empire. This Greek-Turkish political and economic regime that lasted for over a century (1711 – Moldavia and 1716 – Romanian Country until the 1877 War of Independence) brought to pharmaceutical practice, a number of regulations: 1780s Decree (Order) given by Alexander Ipsilanti the ruler of Romanian country, Nicholas Caragea’s 1782 Decree, the 10 tips’Nizam promulgated by Alexander Ipsilanti in 1797 to guide the work of pharmacy inspection etc.
During the same period, by royal charters,St. Pantelimon Hospital (Grigore II Ghica reigning, Bucharest, 1752) and St. Spyridon (Cehan Racoviţă reigning Constantin, Iassy, 1757) were founded.
Adherence – the old key of pacients living fuller lives
Adriana-Elena Taerel1, Adina Turcu-Stiolica2
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Carol Davila“, Bucharest, Romania
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Craiova, Romania
Adherence to medication is an issue of great importance. Adherence isn’t new and it hasn’t dramatically improved in 35 years of trying. Hippocrates (460-375 BC) drew attention to this problem: „Keep watch also on the faults of the patients, which often make them lie about the taking of things prescribed“. The first symposium on compliance took place in Ontario, Canada in 1974.
This issue has not been solved yet. Across multiple findings from the articles that have adherence’s measurement as objective, the primary adherence is about 80% and the persistence is about 50%. The term compliance is the main term used, but adherence, persistence and concordance were used more often in the last years.
In 1997, Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain realized that the old ways of thinking about compliance were insufficient. The backbone of the concordance model is the patient as a decision maker and a cornerstone is professional empathy. Compliance signifies the theoretical intention of prescription; concordance signifies the practical and ethical goal of treatment.
The term adherence was proposed in 1980 as an alternative to compliance and it suggests that doctor-patient relationship is enhanced by a greater patient involvement.
In ourdays the important problem that we must solve is to find a gold standard for the measurement of adherence and then to enhance the type of non-compliance we discovered.
Beneficiile participărilor la astfel de manifestări ştiinţifice internaţionale sunt multe şi importante. Se promovează istoria farmaciei naţionale şi se dezvoltă relaţiile farmaciştilor români cu farmaco-istorici din diferite ţări. Anul acesta a continuat dezvoltarea acestor relaţii cu farmacoistorici din ţări europene şi din Asia.
Imaginile sunt elocvente.