The third number of the journal in 2020 brings to the fore the caesarean section (C-section), the most important surgical obste...
Hemofilia A dobândită este o patologie hemoragică rară şi severă în care organismul produce anticorpi specifici împotriva factorului VIII al coagul...
Numărul operaţiilor cezariene a crescut considerabil în ultimii 30 de ani. Între 2009 şi 2017, România a raportat o creştere cu 32,1% a numărului d...
Operaţia cezariană este una dintre cele mai frecvente intervenţii chirurgicale abdominale ce nu beneficiază de o tehnică standard.
Hemangiomas are benign vascular tumors characterized by endothelial cell proliferation, most commonly affecting the soft tissues, but they can al...
In the past decades, caesarean delivery rates have increased dramatically in defiance of paucity of data regarding the increasing percentages of...
Solid ovarian tumors are peculiar but fascinating neoplasms, from an embryologic, morphologic and clinical point of view.
Ovarian cancer is the second most common gynecologic cancer in developed countries and the third most common gynecologic malignancy in developing c...
In vitro fertilization (IVF) technologies with a controlled ovarian hyperstimulation approach have classified patients into three different groups ...
In pregnant women, all dental treatments, which are absolutely required, are strictly related to the fact that the female patient is in a special p...
Since 2015 indexed to EBSCO Academic Search & One Belt, One Road Reference Source and Index Copernicus.
Since 2021 indexed to DOAJ.
Crossref-DOI: 10.26416/Gine